Best Baby Carrier for Breastfeeding
Written by Connor Bringas on April 15, 2022.
Some parents get overwhelmed with babywearing… even more get overwhelmed with breastfeeding. The thought of doing them at the same time seems impossible. While both breastfeeding and babywearing have many benefits, they can feel complicated, stressful, and simply quite tricky. That is until you get the hang of it.
There are plenty of parents who choose to bottle feed, and that is A-OK! Parents who get the hang of nursing and babywearing eventually realize they can do both simultaneously — and what a relief that is, especially for parents inclined to multi-task.
Nursing Baby Carrier
Read on to learn more about the best baby carrier for nursing and breastfeeding.
What Are Baby Carriers for Breastfeeding?
There really is no such thing as the best baby carrier for breastfeeding since most wraps, slings, and soft carriers worn with your baby facing inward can be appropriate for breastfeeding. Your baby’s safety and comfort should always come first, but as long as your baby’s airways aren’t blocked and they have room to eat comfortably, parents can nurse and even bottle feed while wearing their baby. The carrier they’re using can also double as a cover-up if mom is looking for a bit of discretion.
Can You Breastfeed with a Baby Carrier?
Yes, you can, but carefully! When it comes to nursing while babywearing, the first step is to make sure you’re wearing the carrier properly. It’s important to read manufacturer instructions, and many even have videos to watch or FAQs on their website to ensure proper use. Watch and read everything they offer, particularly if it involves how to nurse while wearing the carrier.
Benefits of Babywearing and Breastfeeding
The benefits of babywearing and breastfeeding are plentiful. Baby carriers allow you to wear your baby on your body hands-free so you can snuggle while scrolling, do some online shopping, or get your 10,000 steps in, all while wearing your baby. Be sure to check the manufacturer instructions for weight, size, and age limitations, but you'll love the benefits once you get the hang of wearing your baby! See below for just a few:
- a safe way to bond with baby
- creates positive emotional and physical development
- reduces crying
- allows for more eye contact
- hands-free movement
- can boost baby’s immune system
How to Nurse in a Baby Carrier
Thanks to Ergobaby for the following tips on how to nurse in a baby carrier — they also have videos to demonstrate the correct and safest way to do so.
- Be confident. Fake it until you are.
- Be patient. It may take time and practice and being patient with the process will help in the long run.
- Practice at home when baby isn’t hungry so you don’t feel stressed or rushed.
- Loosen and lower waistband if you need to get the baby still lower to the breast.
- Wear a low-cut stretchy neckline and pull breast out the top to avoid wrestling with pulling your shirt up with baby on you.
- Slip hand in top or side of carrier to free breast and latch baby. Can use two hands usually if needed.
- Large breasted women may find a rolled up receiving blanket placed under the breast helpful for support.
- If baby has trouble latching, leaning forward may help give a little more space.
- Once latched, tighten straps for hands-free breastfeeding.
- Once baby is done eating, slip hand in to put your breast away.
- Tighten the waistband to raise baby back to the safest position with the top of their head easily kissable.
What to Look For in a Nursing Baby Carrier
One thing that breastfeeding moms like about babywearing is that it’s possible to nurse and be hands-free (for the most part!). Of course, it’s important to find a safe, secure, and comfortable carrier for both you and your baby.
What are the Different Types of Nursing Baby Carriers?
No carrier is made specifically for nursing, but for moms on the go or even at home who prefer to nurse while wearing their baby, here’s a refresher on the types of carriers that work best for nursing:
- Wraps — traditional and made of long fabric to “wrap” around your body, shoulders, and torso to create a pouch-like seat for baby
- Slings (including ring slings) — similar to wraps, made from a soft fabric worn over one shoulder and across your torso like a sash where baby can sit and snuggle
- Hybrid carriers — a combo of a structured carrier but worn more like a wrap, comfortable and usually easy to use
- Meh Dai carriers – these consist of a fabric panel with long straps that are wound around the babywearer’s body and tied, twisted, or tucked away securely
What is the Best Baby Carrier for Breastfeeding?
Tushbaby is the perfect hip seat carrier for parents looking for a simple, supportive way to carry their kids. It’s easy to adjust, with no complicated straps or hooks, and takes the pressure off your upper body, back and arms.
Look a little closer, and you’ll realize that the Tushbaby carrier is a great way to nurse your baby as early as infancy. The Tushbaby acts as a shelf for total breastfeeding support, and it doubles as a fanny pack. Thanks to plenty of pockets, there’s room for extra diapers, wipes, bottles, and toys.
Do Baby Carriers Specific for Breastfeeding Actually Work?
The best baby carrier specifically for breastfeeding ensures that your baby is safe, secure, and comfortable. For the baby wearer, the best breastfeeding baby carrier is also comfortable for them and gives them the option to nurse without taking the carrier off. Some parents prefer the ease of wearing their babies and nursing them at the same time, while others parents may prefer nursing or feeding their babies while holding them and making it more of “a moment.” Whichever method you choose, there are options available.
As long as your baby’s airways aren’t obstructed, and they can eat comfortably and securely, use your parental instincts and choose the best option for you!
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