Now reading: Why Do Babies Cry? Causes, Types, and How to Soothe


Why Do Babies Cry? Causes, Types, and How to Soothe

Written by Katy Arnold on February 07, 2025.

Babies don’t come with a manual, but they sure come with an impressive range of sounds—your least favorite likely being crying. If you’ve found yourself wondering why do babies cry so much or how to soothe a crying baby, you’re not alone.

While it can be overwhelming, understanding the reasons behind those tears and knowing how to calm them can make all the difference. Let’s dive into the causes, types of crying, and best soothing strategies to keep your little one smiling.

Table of Contents

Understanding Why Babies Cry

It’s 2 a.m., baby won't stop crying, and you’re asking yourself: why do babies cry so much? While it can feel overwhelming, crying is a normal part of how babies communicate everything from “I’m hungry” to “I need a cuddle.” With time and a few tricks up your sleeve, you’ll start decoding their needs like a pro.

Different Types of Baby Cries

Crying isn’t just noise—it’s your baby’s way of dropping hints about what they need. Here’s a quick lesson into the different types of cries they might make so you can start cracking the code.

The 5 Baby Cries

Here’s your guide to understanding the types of baby cries and what those tiny wails actually mean. Recognizing baby cry meanings can make responding to your little one’s needs a whole lot easier:

  • Hunger Cry – “Neh”: Rhythmic and repetitive, often starting soft and ramping up. It’s baby-speak for “Feed me, please!”

  • Burp Cry – “Eh”: A short, grunty sound paired with squirming—translating to “I need to burp, stat.”

  • Tired Cry – “Owh/Oah”: Slow and soft, like a sad little yawn—basically saying, “Get me to bed already.”

  • Cramps/Pain Cry – “Eair/Eargghh”: Deep, guttural cries with lots of squirming and leg-pulling—your baby might be telling you their tummy isn’t happy.

  • Discomfort Cry – “Heh”: Whiny and fussy, often paired with squirms—this one’s all about physical discomfort, like feeling too hot, cold, or wet.

Why Do Babies Cry at Certain Times?

Babies don’t cry on a whim; there’s usually a reason behind those perfectly timed outbursts. Understanding why babies cry at certain times can help you spot their patterns and respond before things go full meltdown mode.

Why Do Babies Cry at Night or In Their Sleep?

A baby crying in sleep is often tied to common culprits like hunger, discomfort, or even bad dreams (yes, babies dream too!). 

Sometimes, it’s their way of processing the day’s adventures or adjusting to a new sleep cycle. Whatever the reason, understanding why babies cry at night or in their sleep can help you soothe them faster—and maybe even score a few extra Z’s yourself.

Why Does My Baby Cry While Breastfeeding?

If your baby cries while breastfeeding, you’re not alone—it’s a common (and fixable) bump in the road. 

They might be struggling with a slow letdown, feeling gassy, or simply being too distracted by their surroundings. They could also be overtired or uncomfortable in their position. Whatever the reason, try adjusting their latch, burping them mid-feed, or finding a quieter spot to nurse.

If you want to learn more about breastfeeding vs bottle feeding, check out our article here

When Crying May Signal a Problem

Not all cries are created equal—sometimes, your baby’s tears might be trying to tell you something more serious. If you’re wondering, is it safe to let a newborn cry or you’re feeling as if you need to step in, we’ll help you spot the signs that it’s time to take action. 

If your baby seems unusually lethargic, has a fever over 100.4°F (38°C), or is crying in a high-pitched, inconsolable way, it’s time to trust your instincts and head to the hospital. And if choking, difficulty breathing, or seizures are ever part of the picture, don’t wait—call emergency services immediately. Knowing what’s serious can help you focus on soothing the little stuff and springing into action when it counts.

Purple Crying vs Colic

If your baby’s crying feels relentless, how do you know if your newborn has colic or if it’s purple crying? Here’s the deal: both involve extended crying, but they’re not quite the same. 

Purple crying is a period where your baby cries more often, typically in the late afternoon or evening, for no clear reason. It’s a normal part of their development and usually peaks around 6-8 weeks. It’s called “purple” crying because it stands for Peak crying, Unexpected, Resists soothing, Pain-like face, Long lasting, and Evening—an acronym that perfectly sums up this rollercoaster stage in your little one’s life.

Colic, on the other hand, is marked by intense crying spells that last for hours, often with a lot of fussiness and no clear way to soothe them. While both can be tough to navigate, purple crying usually fades on its own, whereas colic may need a bit more troubleshooting (and patience). Either way, it’s a phase, not forever—even if it feels like it in the moment.

How to Soothe a Crying Baby

When you’re wondering how to make a baby stop crying, it can feel like you’re trying to solve the world’s trickiest puzzle—but with the right soothing techniques, you can help turn those tears into smiles.

Comforting Techniques

A few go-to comforting techniques can work wonders when your baby is crying. Try the “five S’s”: 

  1. Swaddling

  2. Side/stomach positioning

  3. Shushing

  4. Swinging

  5. Sucking (hello, pacifiers—keep them clean and handy with Tushbaby's Pod pacifier pouch).

Rocking them gently or taking a calming walk can also help. If your arms are feeling the burn, the Tushbaby Hip Carrier is a game-changer. It lets you hold your baby comfortably while keeping them close, giving them the soothing contact they crave while giving your back a break. Bonus: it doubles as storage for those pacifiers and burp cloths you always need on hand.

What if My Baby Won't Stop Crying and I've Tried Everything?

If your baby won’t stop crying and you’ve cycled through every trick in the book, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. First, take a breath—sometimes, babies cry even when all their needs seem met. 

Then, check for the basics: hunger, a dirty diaper, or signs of discomfort like tight clothing. If everything checks out, know that some crying spells are just part of being a baby. It doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong—sometimes, they just need time (and extra cuddles) to settle.


How Often Do Newborns Cry?

On average, newborns can cry for 1-3 hours a day (yes, really), and it’s usually their way of communicating basic needs—hunger, sleep, discomfort, or even a little extra love. 

Is It Normal for Babies to Cry for No Reason?

Yes! Sometimes, babies cry just to let off steam or process all the newness of the world around them. It doesn’t always mean something’s wrong—it’s just their way of adjusting and communicating.

At What Age do Babies Cry Less Frequently?

Babies start crying less frequently around 3-4 months, as they get better at communicating through coos, smiles, and other cues. But don’t celebrate just yet—a crying toddler might be in your future, and they’ve got their own dramatic flair! For now, enjoy the small victories as your little one grows and needs fewer tears to get their message across.

Can Teething Cause Inconsolable Crying?

Oh, absolutely—those tiny teeth can pack a big punch when they’re coming in. The pressure and pain in their gums can make your baby extra fussy, drooly, and harder to soothe. Try a chilled teething toy, a gentle gum massage, or The Teether by Tushbaby—designed to be baby-safe, easy to hold, and perfect for relieving gum pain. It’s a tough phase, but thankfully, it doesn’t last forever (and those first toothy smiles are totally worth it).

Decoding your baby’s cries can feel overwhelming, but remember—it’s their way of communicating, not a reflection of your parenting. 

Make life a little easier with Tushbaby products, designed to keep you and your baby comfy, supported, and ready for whatever comes next.

Written by Katy Arnold

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Tushbaby™ Hip Carrier

Final sale

The best baby hip carrier for infants and toddlers.

Also available in hands-free

Color: Grey
Design: Tushbaby
Tushbaby Lite Color:
A streamlined version of the original Tushbaby with fewer pockets and a slimmer profile, the Tushbaby Lite is perfect for quick errands or hot days outdoors where less is more.

Embroidered Tushbabies are not eligible for returns. Please note that your order will take an additional 1-2 days to fulfill.

1. Select Style

2. Enter Text (Up to 10 characters)

3. Select Color


Fast free shipping and returns on tushbabies and snugs in the contiguous U.S.

SSL secure badge


Tushbaby is the single carrier that supports your body, your stuff, and your kids from 0-3 years old. So gear up and carry your little ones effortlessly with carriers that look good, feel good, and store more—freeing you up to do more.

A streamlined version of the original Tushbaby with fewer pockets and a slimmer profile, the Tushbaby Lite is perfect for quick errands or hot days outdoors where less is more.

Details & Specs

  • Fits newborns to 36 months, and up to 45lbs (can also be used for feeding support)
  • Fits 23-44 inch waist (add up to 23 more inches with our Waistband Extender)
  • Four carry positions
  • Five storage pockets
  • Hideable bottle holder
  • Stain-resistant and easy-to-clean
  • Waistband 47"L x 6"H. Seat 6"L x 7.5"W (at base/widest part)
  • Weighs under 1lb
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • Keep one arm around child at all times
  • Snug, Pod, and Crossbody Strap sold separately
  • Please note: Items with matching prints will naturally have some variation in color due to differences in material.
  • Fits newborns to 36 months, and up to 45lbs (can also be used for breastfeeding support)
  • Fits 23-44 inch waist (add up to 24 more inches with our Waistband Extender)
  • 4 carry positions
  • 5 Storage pockets
  • Hideable Bottle Holder
  • Wipe down for an easy clean
  • Snug, Pod, and Crossbody Strap sold separately
  • Waistband 47"L x 6"H. Seat 6"L x 7.5"W (at base/widest part)
  • Weighs under 1lb
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • Fits newborns to 36 months, and up to 45lbs (can also be used for breastfeeding support)
  • Fits 23-44 inch waist (add up to 24 more inches with our Waistband Extender)
  • 4 carry positions
  • 5 Storage pockets
  • Hideable Bottle Holder
  • Wipe down for an easy clean
  • Snug, Pod, and Crossbody Strap sold separately
  • Waistband 47"L x 6"H. Seat 6"L x 7.5"W (at base/widest part)
  • Weighs under 1lb
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • Fits newborns to 36 months, and up to 45lbs (can also be used for breastfeeding support)
  • Fits 23-44 inch waist (add up to 24 more inches with our Waistband Extender)
  • 4 carry positions
  • 5 Storage pockets
  • Hideable Bottle Holder
  • Wipe down for an easy clean
  • Snug, Pod, and Crossbody Strap sold separately
  • Waistband 47"L x 6"H. Seat 6"L x 7.5"W (at base/widest part)
  • Weighs under 1lb
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • Fits newborns to 36 months, and up to 45lbs (can also be used for breastfeeding support)
  • Fits 23-44 inch waist (add up to 23 more inches with our Waistband Extender)
  • 4 carry positions
  • 3 Storage pockets
  • Wipe down for an easy clean
  • Snug, Pod, and Crossbody Strap sold separately
  • Waistband 47"L x 4"H. Seat 6"L x 7.5"W (at base/widest part)
  • Weighs under 1lb
  • 1 Year Warranty

Shipping & Returns

We offer fast and free shipping for orders over $50 within the contiguous United States (does not include Hawaii, Alaska, or US territories). Orders shipped outside of the United States are subject to taxes and duties that are paid for by the customer.

Need to return? Send your Tushbaby back within 30 days—with the user manual and the tags still attached—and we’ll refund 100% of your purchase. We will provide a prepaid shipping label for all Tushbaby Carrier returns within the contiguous United States at no cost to you.


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